Rubber Smoke Houses

  • In Tripura, out of total rubber production of about 83,000 MT per annum, about 99% of the natural rubber is processed into different marketable forms like sheet rubber, ISNR and Cenex.
  • While, only 30% of the sheet rubber produced in Tripura is graded sheet, the rest is ungraded sheet, which is fetching lower rate due to inferior quality. The present rate of Rubber is as follows:
  • It is possible to increase the quality of graded sheet RSS-III, RSS-IV and RSS-V in Tripura from existing 30% to 80%, provided the smoke houses are upgraded scientifically besides sufficient infrastructure development for processing of field latex and smoking of sheet rubber is made available.

Scheme Guideline :

  • In view of this, separate Model Projects are prepared for funding under different Self Employment programmes like Pradhan Mantri Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Swabalamban and also providing subsidy through the State Incentive scheme under “Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentive Scheme (TIIPIS)”.
  • Implementation of the Scheme is being done through the District Industries Centres as per the prevailing guideline of PMEGP and Swabalamban.
  • Based on the inputs of the Banks on the viability aspects, beneficiaries/Groups having holding area of 3 ha, 5 ha and 7ha have been considered under this scheme.
  • Subsidy available under Swabalamban is 30%; under PMEGP is 35%; and subsidy under TIIPIS is 40% of total fixed cost.
  • Individual beneficiary may prefer to avail PMEGP or TIIPIS, while Groups/Societies may apply under Swabalamban/JLG. However, final discretion would remain with DICs and Banks.

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